The Better Together Podcast

#7 - Sarah Hawkins: Emerging RP of the Year & GHG emissions vs. on-farm profit

July 01, 2024 FarmIQ & FARMAX, Sarah Hawkins

Sarah Hawkins is an Agribusiness Consultant with BakerAg in Masterton, and was the 2023 winner of the FarmIQ Emerging Rural Professional of The Year Award.

In this episode we chat to Sarah about her experience winning the award, and how it's impacted her career over the past year.

We also dive into her recent report: 'Learning from farmers – On farm emissions reductions' funded by the Our Land & Water RP Fund 2024, which studied farmers that were reducing emissions while also producing impressive levels of profit.

Applications are open for two RP of the year awards with NZIPIM, until 29th July 2024:

Sarah's full report is also available here: